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Friday, October 7, 2011

happy friday-ing :)

yesterday u asked me something i thot u knew
so i told u with a smile
its all about you :)
selamat berjumaat :)
perut minta diisi,tetapi apakan daya guruh yang berdentum di luar tak mengiizinkan.
stay inside, sumbat telinga dgr mcfly.layan tak layan,dah nak habis dah playlist nie.
sometimes its gonna be easier to walk away n hurt for a while than to hold on to something tht aint ever gonna be happen.kann?
siapa cakap sakit tuh akan hilang.it wont heal.sampai bila bila.
kalau marah,lama2 marah tuh akan hilang dengan sebuah kemaafan.
tapi kalau kecewa?
buat la apa cara sekalipun.
petiklaa bintang kat langit.takkan ada benda yg boleh hilangkan rasa sakit tuh.
mesti ada scar.
tak tahu macam mana nak mula.
sbb tak tahu mcm mna nk end up this thing.
but when there's a will, there's a way
sampai bila nak simpan rasa nie.sooner or later,
the tears will fade away.
as time goes by,ppl change.
and thts the only reason why aishah kena teruskan life dia.
look around, and kita akan realise yg out there, banyaaak sangat orng yg care pasal kita.
banyak lagi benda yg kita kena buat.
kenapa nak stay inside, refuse to see the good things in others.kan?
aishah kna laa terima the fact that in order for us to get something,
akan ada benda yang hilang.
at least aishah learn something from her mistakes.
macam aishah selalu cakap,
semua orng ada their own lives.
buat apa kita nak pretend yg kita nie tak ada life sendiri, nak mengendeng kat orng yg memang sure2 dah ada life sendiri,kawan2 sendiri, so-called life partner sendiri.
jaga hidup kita sendiri.cukup kan laa apa yg still tak cukup.
as long as diorang happy,
aishah cakap dia pun happy jugak :)
though it hurts inside,tp apa boleh buat.
this is life.
ada rasa sakit.
ada rasa sedih.
ada rasa happy.
yang pahit tetap pahit.yang manis tetap manis.
i can never really tell u why
ive been missing u a lot
n i just hv to take another look of ur photo in my wallet
n theres no reason why
i keep ur tshirt by my side when i sleep
pretending u were never really gone
its like a missing star thats always been up in ur sky
its like the rainbow never comes after the rain
its like the sun never rises in every of ur morning 
tell me how am i supposed to live without those things
theyre all you :)
macam lame gila kot still ingat lagu nie
nie lahh kenangan satu ketika dahulu.
no hard feeling.haha.

dear you,
sorry for the long silence.
sorry for there will be no more text saying hye.
it just,
girls.we dun share.
n thats the only reason why i did this.
thousands apologise from me to u.
im hoping tht ure in a good condition.always.
take the greatest care of urself coz i do.for real.
though i know u wont read this.naa.
im okay with that :)
just so u know.i heart you :)

doubledots :
si pelangi indah :)

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